Video page

The video page is the easiest way to display a page of videos and text.  It may appear like so:


Add a video

To add a video on the video page click the Add video button.  Then paste in the video embed code, upload a video, or browse for a previously uploaded video.

Once a video is added, you can add the following options:

Video image
This can appear with a play button on top of it.  If not added, the video will display the generated still.

Video title

Video description
Any text you wish

More on adding videos...

Remove a video

Mouse-over the upper right corner of the video, and click the settings icon to see the Remove video option.

Video page layout

Video size
This size setting is relative to the available screen space.

Title font size
This can be set to H1, H2, or Normal.  Change the setting for each in the Site settings > Template > Template builder > Look and feel tab

Text width
This is the paragraph width of the text below the video

Auto-fit representative image
When checked, this will automatically size the representive image to cover the shape of the video player.

Play button image
When checked, this will display button the representative image.