Blog layout
Use the blog page Layout section icons as a starting point.
When a layout icon is clicked, you can see the settings below change. You can further refine these settings while previewing your blog posts.
All blog layouts are one of two types:
- Full posts
- Titles, possibly with an image
Full post-based layouts
When Page layout is set to Full posts, full posts are displayed down the page.

The Post layout options can be set like so:
Title size
H1, H2, or Normal. Change the setting for each in the Site settings > Template > Template builder > Look and feel tab.
Default image
This image represents the blog post. It may appear next to the the title. Or the title can appear superimposed on top of it. Uncheck this option if you don't want to use the default image.
Default image size
If this is set to Full bleed it will stretch to extend off all sides of the monitor, or the reserved area.
Link images to enlarged
Check this to link images in your blog post to their enlarged version.
Display the date associated with the blog post.
Horizontal separators
Display and set the style of horizontal dividers that can separate blog posts.
Title-based layouts
When the Page layout is set to Titles, the page displays titles, possibly with images, that link to blog posts.
Title-based layouts can be set like so:
Single column
Titles, and possibly the blog post default image are displayed in a list down the page. This may appear like so:

Split column
Titles appear on one side of the screen and the blog post default images appear on the other side. This may appear like so:

Titles, and possibly the blog post default images are displayed in a grid. This may appear like so

Each of the above options for a title-based layout allows setting similar options for the Title size, Default image, and Date, as the Full post-based layouts.