Style the menu page
A parent page is also be called a menu page because it displays a menu of child page links. This can appear, for example, as a grid like so:It can also appear as a list like so:
Menu page options
When child pages are added, the Layout option should appear, like so:
After clicking on the layout you want, you may change the following settings:
Display drill down menu
A drill down menu can appear at the top of child pages. For example, it may appear like so:
Archive / Painting / Figures
Display menu at the bottom of child pages
Links to sibling pages can appear at the bottom of each child page.
Grid-based layout
A grid-based layout will display the following options:
Grid images per row
Number of columns across
Image sizing method
This can be set to Auto (recommended) or a Fixed level.
Display page name
If you prefer to only display an image to represent the page, you can uncheck this.
Margin size
This is the space between the different grid sections.
List-based layout
A list-based layout will display the following options:
Image sizing method
This can be set to Set... (recommended) or a Fixed level.
Display page description
You can display the child page description next to the page name and image, if you wish.