Add a blog post

After you have created a new blog page, create a new blog post by clicking the Add new... button.

Edit the blog post

To edit the post, simply begin typing in the editing window, or add images, video, and other content using content blocks

Publish now

By default, new blog posts are set to Hidden.  These can be published like so:

Click Set visibility, date..., and change the drop down to Viewable to All.

Publish in the future

If you wish to publish your post at a certain date in the future, you can schedule it  like so:

Click Set visibility, date..., and change the drop down to Hidden, and set the Publish date to a date in the future.

NOTE: If the Publish date is set to the present day, or a day in the past, and the blog post is set to Hidden, it will remain hidden.

Default Image

This image represents the blog post.  It can display with the blog post title on a page of titles.  It can also display with the title when the full post is displayed.