Welcome to Icompendium
The video below goes through the first steps of creating your Icompendium version 10 website.The following are the video topics and times:
0:00 - Add your name and personal information
0:57 - Upload a home page image
1:46 - Add images to a gallery
2:29 - Set image gallery layout
4:23 - Add and remove pages
5:30 - Edit and format text pages
6:17 - Set site-wide look and feel
Don't prefer a video?
Get started here.
Prefer videos?
Keep going with these:
- Set the look and feel
- Edit text pages
- Make categories
- Upload video
Finished with your site?
If it's not live at yoursite.com, then you can send it live.
What if I get stuck?
Don't worry. If you can't get the result you want, call +1.917.472.9997 or email help@compendiummedia.com.
What is icompendium version 10?
Icompendium version 10 a completely new version of Icompendium released in late 2018. Learn more about what's new.