Image click behavior
Below the image gallery layout options, you can set the image click behavior.If you are using a layout that displays a page of images, such the Standard, Justified, or Stacked, you will see the first option like so:
When an image is clicked... display enlarged in
Default layout
The Cycle layout, but with icompendium-recommended settings
This is the Carousel gallery layout. It will use whatever settings are in place for the Carousel gallery layout of that image gallery (even if this is not the main selected layout).
This displays the image on a blank ground with only the paging arrows and image description.
Zooming lightbox
This displays the image on a black ground and allows zooming and dragging.
No enlargement
Clicking the image does nothing.
If you are using a layout that displays, or clicks through to, a single enlarged image such as the Cycle or Carousel layout, the option below will appear:
When enlarged image is opens
(Same as described above)
Zooming lightbox
(Same as described above)
It can also be set to Next image and Nothing.
If the Lightbox option is selected, you can also set the Lightbox options.