Cycle layout

The image gallery Cycle layout displays a single large image.  It may appear like so:

Or, like so:

Options can be set like so:

Image sizing

Fills the available space

Full screen
The image may touch the browser window edge. (No margins)

Full bleed
The image is streched over the screen space so it goes off all four edges.

Fixed level...
This is one of the different size levels that is generated for each image you upload.  View the different image size levels (and even modify the images there) by clicking on the edit icon in the upper right corner of that image.  Here you can toggle between the different size levels.

NOTE: The Fixed level option should be rarely used within the Cycle layout.

The image size is set relative to the available space.  For example, a value of 50 will display the image covering about 50% of the available space.

Advance images with

These are arrow icons.

This creates a slideshow.

Prev / next buttons
Set the location of the paging arrows.

Description position
Set the position of image description text (title, medium, date...).  When set to On image it will appear when the image is moused over.

Description max width
Set the paragraph width of the image description text.

Zoom lens on hover
Display a zoom lens when hovering over an image.
Can I display a strip of small images next to the large image?
Yes, in the carousel layout.