Importing associations

This is advanced functionality designed for users who have inventory data in Excel (or similar) or who need to import data from a third party system.  If you you need assistance with importing please email

Your associations: collections, exhibitions, locations, sales and contacts can be imported from a CSV (comma-separated values) file.  This can be done in the admin section > More options > Inventory manager like so:

Go to the association type you want import, for example, Contacts and click on the Import tab.

Paste in the CSV data.

Click Check data, and then match the columns.

How can create a CSV file from Excel?
If you have data in excel, such as a list of collections, or contacts, you can export this as a CSV file.

Can I import the relationship between the collection and the artwork?
This is not possible at this time.  You can import your collections, for example, but must recreate the association between the collections and their artwork.