"Inquire About" pop-up
Display an "Inquire About" link below images in a gallery like so:Clicking the link opens a pop-up like so:
Activate the "Inquire About" pop-up
Go to the admin section > image gallery (any one) > edit icon > Image fields > Inquire about, and set-up the options there.
"Inquire About" options
The following options are configurable in the admin section > Site settings > Template > Advanced > Gallery preferences section:
"Inquire About" text
Displayed immediately below the image. The visitor clicks on this to trigger the pop-up.
"Inquire About" pop-up orientation
Can be vertical or horizontal. The horizontal pop-up fills more of the screen space and requires less scrolling.
"Inquire About" pop-up heading, display
In the vertical pop-up, you can switch this "Inquire About" heading on or off. This text can be styled using the Heading 2 style in the admin section > Site settings > Template > Template builder > Look and feel tab > Text > Heading 2 section.
"Inquire About" pop-up heading text
Text at the top of the vertical "Inquire About" pop-up
"Inquire About" form fields
Edit the form fields a visitor must complete.
Submitted messages
Submitted messages go to the email address entered into the admin section > Site settings > Site content > Your email section.
You can find a log of submitted messages in the admin section > More options > Form submissions > Contact form.