Home page content
The home page is seen by visitors to yoursite.com. It can display most anything you want. To change the home page content go to Home page > edit icon.![](http://s3.amazonaws.com/media.icompendium.com/icguide_1544170464-homepagecircled.jpg)
Single image
To display text below a single image, click on the edit icon in the upper right corner of that image (when moving your mouse over it) and then use the Caption tab.
Multiple images
These images may be uploaded or taken from an existing gallery. If taken from an existing gallery, they will display with that gallery's layout settings. (This existing gallery may be set to hidden, so it does not display on the navigation as well).
This is an uploaded or embedded video.
This can be a good choice if you wish to only display superimposed text, or wish to only display the navigation links on your home page.
Superimpose text
This will display centered text on top of your home page content.
Page description
This text will display below the bottom of the browser. So, a visitor will see this when scrolling down.
If the home page image or slideshow sizing is set to full bleed (meaning it goes off each edge of the screen) it will not appear behind the navigation. For full bleed content that appears behind the navigation, try the Site settings > Site content > Background image option. Here, you can also check the Only on home page option for the background image.